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/ Software of the Month Club - Holiday 1996 / Software of the Month Club - Holiday 1996.iso / pc / win / bifonts / sludge.ttf (.png) < prev   
TrueType Font  |  1996-08-05  |  180KB
Labels: bag | bottle | box | bulletin board | door | fence | field | grandstand | person | road | seat | shelf | sky
OCR: abcdefghijklmnoparstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ 9123456789 !@#$% -.g +> <.{ /? The quick brown fox Jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps aver the lazy dog, The quick brown fax jumps over the fizei dog. The quick brown fax jumps over the 6zei 6op The quick brown fQx jumps over the iazy 4og. The quick brown fQx Jumps over the ta The suick brown fox Jumps aver 0123456789 guick